


      The International Training Program on Climate and Environmental Change along the Belt and Road


      Theme: Climate and environment change along the Belt and Road



      Description: The training course utilizes the research strength and facilities of the Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, providing scientific and technological outreach for countries along the Belt and Road and developing countries, cultivates scientific and technological talents for countries within the frame, and promotes scientific and educational cooperation.


      Training content:

      1. 多種方法在區(qū)域生態(tài)環(huán)境變化研究中的應用

      2. 區(qū)域環(huán)境污染防護與修復技術及對策研究

      3. 第四紀年代學

      4. 樹輪氣候學

      5. 洞穴石筍與全球變化

      6. 風塵堆積與全球變化

      7. 湖沼環(huán)境與過程研究

      8. 地下水與環(huán)境科學

      9. 珊瑚/硨磲與海洋環(huán)境變化

      10. 加速器質譜技術及其在氣候環(huán)境變化研究中的應用

      11. 氣候變化數(shù)值模擬研究

      1. Application of various methods in regional ecological environment change research

      2. Research on regional environmental pollution prevention and restoration technology and countermeasures

      3. Quaternary geology

      4. Dendroclimatology

      5. Cave stalactites and global change

      6. Eolian deposits and global change

      7. Lake environment and process research

      8. Groundwater and environmental science

      9. Coral/Tridacna and marine environmental change

      10. Accelerator mass spectrometry technology and its application in climate and environmental change research

      11. Numerical simulation of climate change


      Field trip:

      1. 樹輪野外考察、采樣培訓

      2. 柞水溶洞野外考察

      3. 洛川黃土剖面野外考察及樣品采集培訓

      4. 黃土高原地球關鍵帶野外觀測站及關中平原野外觀測站野外考察

      1. Field investigation and sampling training of tree rings

      2. Field investigation of Zhashui karst cave

      3. Field investigation and sample collection training of Luochuan loess section

      4. Field trip to national observation and research station of earth critical zone on the loess plateau in Shaanxi and national observation and research station of regional ecological environment change and comprehensive management in the Guangzhong plain, Shaanxi



      Objectives: Responding to the Belt and Road initiative, the training program aims to improve the research capability of early career researchers from countries along the Belt and Road and developing countries in the field of climate and environmental change, build joint international scientific and technological teams in the field of climate and environmental change, and facilitate exchange and communication among people of these countries.


      Participants (by invitation):


      Young researchers engaged in climate and environmental change studies in universities and research institutes of countries along the Belt and Road and developing countries, with specific requirements as follows:

      1. 年齡不超過40周歲;

      2. 從事氣候環(huán)境相關工作滿2年以上;

      3. 研究生需提供導師同意函和推薦函;

      4. 身體健康,無傳染病;

      5. 具備中文或英文聽、說、讀、寫能力;

      6. 熟悉本國氣候環(huán)境發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀并提供相關證明,如發(fā)表的文章或學位論文;

      7. 不攜帶家屬;

      8. 對華友好,在華培訓期間,遵守中華人民共和國的有關法律、法規(guī),尊重中國的風俗習慣。

      1. Age under 40 years old;

      2. Engaged in climate-environmental research field for more than 2 years;

      3. Postgraduates need to provide letters of consent and recommendation letters from their supervisors;

      4. Good health, no infectious diseases;

      5. Proficient in listening, speaking, reading, writing for Chinese or English;

      6. Competent in climate-environmental study, relevant proof is required such as published articles or thesis;

      7. Invitation is not extended to dependent or family members ;

      8. Friendly to China, during the training period in China, abide by relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, respect Chinese customs.


      Duration: September 12-25, 2023.


      Location: Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China.



      lecturers: Established scholars focused on climate-environmental change research, from Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) or renowned universities and research institutes in China.


      Expenses: All travel expenses, including round-trip airfare to China, local transport and accommodation, meals, and insurance expenses within China are provided to accepted participants.


      Registration deadline: July 10th 2023.

      聯(lián)系人:譚亮成 tanlch@ieecas.cn; 王亞琴 wangyaqin@ieecas.cn

      Registration and queries please send to:

      Prof. Liangcheng Tan: tanlch@ieecas.cn

      Mrs. Yaqin Wang: wangyaqin@ieecas.cn
